Small Pitcher


If you’ve ever thought “this syrup bottle is putting me off my pancakes” or “its a lot to ask my guests to use the milk carton when getting coffee” then folx, *you* need a pitcher! And I think you’d like this one. Even if you don’t agree, buy it anyways! Art can surprise you! Its glazed a pure white inside with a very succinct lip so everything rolls off it without dripping. It will happily accommodate any sauce or gravy or syrup or cream you throw at it. Infact, now that I think about it, you should really get two, because no one just puts cream out anymore. Get one for cream, one for soymilk. Actually, you should probably get 5 so you can put out almond milk too, because people are very specific about their coffee needs. Each of these pitchers holds 8-10oz of viscous liquid. Or non viscous, but I enjoy saying viscous.

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If you’ve ever thought “this syrup bottle is putting me off my pancakes” or “its a lot to ask my guests to use the milk carton when getting coffee” then folx, *you* need a pitcher! And I think you’d like this one. Even if you don’t agree, buy it anyways! Art can surprise you! Its glazed a pure white inside with a very succinct lip so everything rolls off it without dripping. It will happily accommodate any sauce or gravy or syrup or cream you throw at it. Infact, now that I think about it, you should really get two, because no one just puts cream out anymore. Get one for cream, one for soymilk. Actually, you should probably get 5 so you can put out almond milk too, because people are very specific about their coffee needs. Each of these pitchers holds 8-10oz of viscous liquid. Or non viscous, but I enjoy saying viscous.